The Boots Pension Scheme is managed by a Trustee Company – Boots Pensions Limited – in accordance with the Rules. The Scheme’s assets are separate from those of the Company. The Directors of the Trustee Company are responsible for the administration of the Scheme, the payment of benefits and the investment of the Scheme’s assets. To help them do this, they employ the following professional advisers.
- Actuary
- Mr R Mellor, Aon Hewitt
- Auditor
- RSM UK Audit LLP
- Investment managers
- Legal & General Investment Management
Schroder Investment Management
Wellington Management International Ltd
- Bankers
- National Westminster Bank PLC
- Solicitor
- Sackers & Partners LLP
By law, one-third of the Trustee Directors must be elected by the members. These arrangements are subject to review and re-approval from time to time. Details of the current selection arrangements are available from the Pensions Department.